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00:00 / 02:23
"Pa, extrañándote mucho...Tu Chulota xxxxx"
Mariana Best
"Pavo was such a great grandpa, it's so sad he had to go. I miss him so much, and I wish he was still here with us."

Sophie Stallman
"Some of the best times I spent with Gustavo were when he showed me the places he thought I should see in Mexico City. Because when he wasn't busy being a wonderful husband, father and abuelo, or all of those at once, he could always find time to be my "Pa"-in-law. He showed me the Bellas Artes galleries, the works of Diego Rivera, the Templo Mayor (including Chiles en Nogada at a nearby restaurant for the real Mexican experience), the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, and all round the Centro Historico. I am the proud owner of a fine woolen flat cap, not because I grew up in Manchester, but because Gustavo took me to the famous Tardan hat store near the Zocalo on one of our cultural visits. I will miss these urban adventures."

Alex Stallman
"I remember meeting Gustavo in the ‘wedding cake’ house in Rome when I had come to visit Natty during a university holiday. He was approachable and funny and seemed to share my enjoyment for good food and long conversations over meals! Needless to say we got on very well! I then met him on several consequent occasions over the past 20 years. As my friendship with Nat evolved I was always happy when he visited and we all got together. He remained the same good humoured, gentle person and I will always have fond memories of our times together."

Daniela Severino
"Aveces la vida nos pone personas que son inspiración y apoyo siempre tendré presente lo mucho que me apoyaste lo mucho que creíste en mi que si podría lograr pagar mi casa y ve Tabo donde estés se que verás que si se pudo hoy y siempre tendré presente tantos momentos compartidos contigo y tu esposa esas platicas tan bellas realmente solo te nos adelantaste y mientras te sigamos recordando siempre estarás mi más grande deseo que donde estés tengas esa sonrisa para todos y esa sencilles que siempre te caracterizo mi gran amigo ve con dios se te quiere un chingo"

Aida Elisa bravo Hernández
"Es muy difícil decirle adiós a una persona tan querida como Tavo. Durante nuestra larga amistad (casi 45 años, desde que Maggie llegó a la UAM) siempre lo admiré por varias razones: por su amabilidad, su calidad humana, su buen humor, su capacidad de trabajo, su relación con mi querida Maggie y con sus hijas. Tengo tantos bellos recuerdos de él, tantas vivencias que me cuesta trabajo aceptar que ya no esté con nosotros físicamente, pero sé que desde donde esté estará brindando conmigo, jugando un chinazo por la noche, disfrutando la buena comida, bromeando con Roberto mi hijo, platicando de música con mi padre a quien tanto apreciaba. Gracias Tavo por haber estado presente, de manera tan significativa, en nuestras vidas."

"Platicar con Gustavo era maravilloso y en los muchos recuerdos que tengo con él, siempre está el sentimiento de la chorcha. En la larga mesa en la cabaña en el Ajusco, en Tlalpuente, en la maravillosa terraza de Infernetto, posteriormente en Panisperna, de visita en su oficina en la FAO, en La Ropa, en algún pub en Inglaterra, en el balcón de Cascada, en Spoleto, en Saccoveccio o Maximino. Pachangas, cumpleaños, bodas, cenas, desayunos, caminatas, años nuevos y vacaciones. Toda mi vida está permeada por la presencia de la Familia Best con quien he compartido en tantos lugares tan especiales. Gustavo siempre escuchaba tan atentamente y estaba genuinamente interesado en tantos temas. Era un deleite hablar con él. Esta es una nota de amor y de profundo agradecimiento por haber tenido la fortuna de que Gustavo Best fuera parte de toda mi vida. Una persona que me vió crecer y a quien llamé mi papá postizo. Alguna vez que pasé un largo periodo en Roma me dijo cuando me fui “te voy a extrañar Iso, a ti y todas tus preguntas”. Yo te voy a extrañar mucho también querido Tavo, siempre. Mariana, Nati, Margaret y toda la familia, les mando un abrazo enorme."

"I'm so sorry to learn of the passing of your beloved Gustavo. Can't possibly imagine the sorrow you, Mariana, Natalia and the grandchildren are experiencing.Always viewed you two as a fantastically compatible couple, living an international dream life full of adventure and good times. Gustavo was so soft and easy-going - no airs about him despite his obvious intellect and accomplished professional life. I appreciate your best friend allowed you to join us for so many years, making the ICI the fun and exciting place it became. I thank him for that.Your website is a wonderful tribute to Gustavo! Very much enjoy viewing the photos of your times together and the most recent ones with the grandchildren. Amazing, forever memories for sure."

Jim O'Leary
"Beautiful memories of our trip to Spoleto 🥰" 

Kris Vanderburg
"Te recordaré siempre Gustavo con tu carácter tan bonito y siempre optimista y positivo, tienes una familia hermosa y amigos que te queremos, disfruté siempre como compañera y en nuestras reuniones contigo"

Libertad Rivadeneyra N
"So many wonderful times with Gustavo and Maggie. I always told him he was the most beautiful man in the world"


Doesn’t the world know...

How can everyone go about their business?

Don’t they know the world has changed forever?

Don’t they know the kindest spirit has departed?

The best looking man in the world is gone!

The man who loved to dance!

The man who could make the Best birthday surprises!

The man who loved a party..right up until he went to sleep.

The man who wrote me poems.

The man who who could tell by the taillights, what 1950’s car you were looking at.

The perfect host.

The man who always knew that his wife was the most beautiful one of all.


If there is a heaven and he went there (I’m not sure of either),  I wonder what their supply of tequila is?

Lil Hosman

"So many memories, over so many years ever since the days of meeting Tavo and family in the “cabaña” in the Ajusco. Waiting there with Mariana and Isabel for Tavo to get back with news of the arrival of Natalia who was destined to be Gustavo Enrique but wasn’t, but was very welcome anyway. The unique friendship between Mariana and Isabel, alive and well until this very day, from small beginnings when they were still toddlers. Who will remember our birthdays now that Tavo will no longer be checking his birthday calendar? We will feel the loss of his warmth, generosity and ready smile. Our heartfelt condolences to Maggie and the girls. He will be sorely missed by many people in many places."

Galina Russell Family
"Gustavo was a presence at any gathering, so much fun to be around. We always enjoyed seeing him when our paths crossed on one of his walks.Lil had shared with us that your girls and grandchildren had spent the previous weeks in Zihua with you and Gustavo. Those memories and laughs are such precious treasures.Gustavo was larger than life, his obvious love and devotion to you and his family were at the foremost at all times. Many can only hope to have had the life and love you shared."

Shawnah and Dale
"I was so sad to hear of Gustavo’s passing. I have such happy memories of time in Rome together, laughing around the dinner table and zipping past (quietly!) with Nati on her scooter. Such happy times! Your home was my first introduction to Mexico and all its colours and flavours – I soon fell in love with everything Mexican myself when my parents moved there for a few years. Sending you all so much love, x"

Julia Paxman
"I'm so saddened to hear of Gustavo's passing. I first properly spent time with him in Rome on a memorable holiday with our gang of uni friends. He (along with Maggie of course!) was a generous host who made us feel instantly welcome - telling us funny stories and anecdotes; encouraging us to eat, drink and be merry, and to enjoy everything the city had to offer. There was something irreverent about him which was so charming. We laughed a lot! We had a chance to spend more time together at Nati's wedding and there again he proved a loving and supportive dad who was so genuinely interested in all of his daughter's friends. We then met again in London many times over the course of the years and he was always thoughtful, witty, engaging, charismatic and authentically himself. He will be sorely missed but his zest for life lives on in his daughters and grandchildren! Love to you all - espero que podamos brindar juntos, en persona, y celebrar la vida de Gustavo pronto, Sabri xx"

Sabrina Russo
"So sorry to learn about Gustavo's passing. We first met him a day or so before Alex and Nati were married and we enjoyed lunch with the whole family. At the wedding he made a brilliant speech and came over as a most charming man. His granddaughters, Sophie and Miriam adored him as did Mariana and Natalia and, of course, Maggie. When we last visited Alex and Nati , I was pleasantly surprised when Nati showed me an album of photos and stories relating to Gustavo's family history; having previously thought he was of wholly Mexican lineage, I learnt his forbears originated in the same part of the world as my late father's family, namely the south eastern part of Poland, now in the Ukraine. How intriguing to think that my ancestors might have crossed paths with his. He lives on his beautiful daughters and grandchildren."

Denise and Trevor Stallman
"Gustavo was always a bright light sparkling all of us with his smiles, warm heart, wisdom and kind humorous ways! We were lucky to meet Tavo and Maggie in Spoleto as neighbors, then regularly as friends. Ann and I remember many wonderful moments dining and sharing stories of family, politics and geography. What happy memories!….especially this picture Maggie and Tavo dancing en plein aire en Spoleto. We have been lucky to know Tavo and Maggie and to receive the benefits of love that he and they both have shared!" 

Jerry Shapins

"What a blessing to have known Gustavo. Whenever we met it felt that life is good. There is no greater gift. Muchas gracias mi amigo."

Ricardo Woodcock

"Gustavo was a "gentleman and a scholar" as this saying goes and I mean it. I'm truly sorry. I'm sad, and shocked to the core."

Alexis (Alex) Bakaysa
"Querido amigo: así de sencillo se dice y lo difícil que es encontrar unos , nuestra amistad nacida hace 62 anos en la Secundaria No 13. Cuando eramos unos chavales con ansias de comenzar a descubrir lo que la vida nos reservaba. Nuestras primeras salidas con los amigos, el primer cigarro, las idas al cine en palomilla, el helado a la salida de la secundaria, las tareas en la biblioteca, el club Asturiano y tantas otras cosas.

Luego la Preparatoria No 5 de la UNAM. La novatada, rodeados de alfalfa y vacas. Las meriendas en casa familiar con conchas y nata, los primeros viajes Acapulco, Tierra Blanca, Zitacuaro y vuelta a Acapulco a la casa de mis padres. Los primeros tragos a escondidas con los amigos, el Jazz en la Embajada Americana los martes sin faltar el cigarrillo y luego a seguir tomando café en Sambors de la Zona Rosa. Las primeras novias, el auto de tu hermana Helen que nos prestaba con cierta irresponsabilidad para salir a dar la vuelta, tu madre esperándote a que llegaras después de las salidas de los sábados por la noche.

Pero como todo en la vida va cambiando, tomamos caminos distintos, tu a Química yo a Arquitectura, pero nuestra amistad continuo, recuerdo que al terminar nuestra carrera trabajaste en un laboratorio en AV. Universidad y luego te fuiste a Israel a estudiar algo sobre energía solar. A tu regreso ya no eramos dos si no seriamos cuatro: Maggi y Aurora formarían ahora parte de nuestras vidas. Visitas a cenar tanto en la cabana del Ajusco o Tepepan, mas tarde Tlalpuente. Posteriormente te fuiste a Italia a la FAO ya con tus hijas Natalia y Mariana y a peregrinar por el mundo. Nos dejamos de ver por muchos anos, pero las casualidades de la vida nos volvieron a reunir, nos vimos en Samborns de San Ángel, los anos, los tuyos y los míos se encontraron y oh ! sorpresa eramos los mismos tíos de siempre solamente con algunas canas a cuesta. Platicamos por horas con algunas cubas de ron para ponernos al día y acordamos comer en casa junto con mi familia, mi madre que te tuvo tanto carino así como mis hermanas, mis hijos y nueras. Fue un gran reencuentro.

Volvimos a reunirnos periódicamente los cuatro en casa como afuera para tener platicas esplendidas, recuerdos, viajes, política, libros, familia, no nos faltaba tema, entre tus idas y venidas a Spoleto, Cuba y Zihuatanejo, pero ahora lamento mucho no haberlo hecho con mas frecuencia, no nos percatamos que ya no tendríamos lo que ya poco nos quedaba: tiempo.

Podría escribir un libro completo sobre nuestra amistad y entre telones pero no lo haré, el recuerdo de tu amistad no lo necesita, lo llevare por siempre.

De tu amigo y cuate Anselmo Rossier"
"Muy querido Tavo: No es posible describir lo que una persona como tú llega a significar en la vida de otras. Trato de pensar en lo podría expresarte, pero las palabras se quedan cortas y no lo comunican. Sí sé que siempre que estaba contigo me sentía muy feliz, que veía la vida con optimismo y sin muchas preocupaciones—ya que soy experta en complicármela. Estar contigo y con Maggie es llenarse de vida, ver sus ángulos de otra manera y apreciar lo que tenemos. Un día cuando nos volvamos a encontrar, será igual y al estar contigo me llenaré de alegría. Por lo pronto, Tavo, lo que sí te puedo decir es que me siento muy privilegiada por haberte conocido. Gracias Tavo, por ser tú y por compartirlo conmigo.

Te quiero mucho, Ana María Sierra"
". . . I'm so sorry Gustavo is gone. His figure as husband, father, granddad, companion, friend and all the roles he played in your lives and those of so many others was unique. It can't be replaced but it can be remembered for all the good and richness that Gustavo brought to all who knew him. He occupied a special and permanent place in my heart which will continue in his absence . . ."
"I was remembering each of the six times that I ever spent time with both of you. Unforgettable and felt so close. I know of the tons of friends and family Tavo had and had spent so much time with and still in just six encounters and for Ray just twice we felt such a connection to him and he left such an impact. The six times were Rome, NYC, Zihua (that unforgettable time I found you guys), NYC, NYC, and Spoleto."
“. . . We say goodbye to a dearest friend who accompanied us for half of our lives. From Ramazzotti song “Più bella cosa” we played at his 50 anniversary to the Mariachi band at our wedding. We will keep him always in our memories and hearts  we think of you and the girls . . . “
. . .  Las voces de tus hijas me hicieron volver a sentir el amor que tú, Gustavo y ellas me prodigaron desde que llegué a Roma. Recordé a Gustavo llegando a mi oficina mi primera semana en FAO diciéndome . . . tú eres la Costarrica de México? Vengo a invitarte a casa a que conozcas a mi familia . .  .así llegué a vuestra casa en Monteverde y desde ese momento ustedes me brindaron su amistad, su amor, su orientación, su ayuda espiritual. Recuerdo haber llorado en vuestra casa por la muerte de mis padres . . . recuerdo sus festejos de mi cumpleaños en vuestra casa para que no me sintiera sola . . . recuerdo las fiestas patrias en Infernetto . .  . las conversaciones en Spoleto . . .recuerdo tus dibujos . . . tus iniciativas . . . recuerdo la boda de tu hija . . . recuerdo tantas cosas con gran agradecimiento a vosotros a la gran familia Best que tú y Gustavo supieron construir y que con generosidad extendieron a sus amigos . . . que Dios te bendiga y ayude a seguir adelante con tus bellísimas hijas e increíbles nietos que tienes . . .
“. . . So very, very sorry to hear about Tavo.  This is indeed the saddest news. I/we may not have known Gustavo as well as others, but every moment spent with him was a pleasure, inspiring, funny, or just great fun.   Happy that you had so many years and so many great experiences together . . . keep all of the beautiful memories close in your heart . . . “
Karen and Dave
“. . .  as soon as I stop crying and get my emotions in check, I will write more. I just want you to know how shocked and deeply sorry we are. Gustavo was one of a kind and will be greatly missed.  . . .  we are so blessed to have had him in our lives . . . we didn’t have tequila, so Andy and I toasted Tavo and reminisced with Aperol Spritz last night in the garden. We are heartbroken at the loss of our dear friend and deeply saddened for you and the girls.”
Carle and Andy
We have those momentary flares of anger with someone we love. Let it go. We do, it passes and the relationship goes back to normal.
Something we cherished gets destroyed by some force of nature and we are devastated.
Let it go. We do and we build something new in its place.
And through all of that letting go, we learn, and grow and watch something better take its place.
But how do you let go of something you will never get back?
How do you say goodbye to the body that housed the soul that provided the spirit in your life?
How do you replace the sounds, the smells, the void in you that was filled by the other?
How do you move past the sorrow that feels like it is going to rip out your heart with every
We have our memories. But memories do not hug us at night, comfort us when we are sad, laugh at the things only we find funny, share secret moments.
We have our friends. But they occupy only one space in our life and they do not go home with us at night, cook our dinner, sit on the couch and watch movies late at night, fret with us about our children, our money, the home repairs, our families and where to go on vacation.
The little things which now seem like big things. And they are bigger because we now do them alone.
And yet. Around us in every corner, in every picture, in our children’s faces and their children’s faces, in the sky, the stars, the snow, while you bike or run or garden, in your art, the smells of certain spices, every time you participate in something the other loved, they are there. If you really listen they talk to you.
Ask them. What should I do? What would you do? Where are you? Speak to me. Show me.
And then you realize. You don’t let go. You grieve for as long as you need to. You begin to feel stronger and reconnect to the life that is now. You look for the signs. You hold the memories because that all really happened. Your relationship with the other helped make you who you are. You will always be connected and forever changed by the gift you were given.
And you never have to let go.
I am so sorry to read this, and can't believe it . . . I wish you a lot of strength for the following days, months, years . . .  I would love to hug you, but you are so far away . . . we are so happy we met Gustavo two years ago in Syros, and I will never forget the picture of you and Gustavo waving in the window of your hotel in Hermoupolis, when we were taking the boat . .  .
Φιλια πολλα και συλλυπητήρια
Maya and Dimitris
Gustavo was the most intelligent, entertaining and happy soul that we have ever known. May he rest in peace.
Linda and Ken
. . . heartbroken to hear of Gustavo’s passing . . . Gustavo was a very dear kind and compassionate man and he will always be in our hearts. I feel very fortunate to have known him over these years and will forever cherish the wonderful and fun times we had.
 . . . what a loss, what sadness, we are beside ourselves sharing in your grief. Tavo was such a great, generous, intelligent friend and such good company . . . we are crying with you; we loved Tavo very much and have such good memories of times with him and you.  He was such a warm and loving person; all our evenings seemed to end in a big hug.

Claire and Miles
. . . Maggie, our heartfelt love is all we can say at this moment. It is the same love we continually received from your beloved Gustavo . . . wherever Gustavo was , there was laughter, kindness,  intelligence, support and humanity. The measure of a person is the shadow they leave behind. Gustavo’s shadow is indeed a great one. We have indeed all lost a great friend. What pleasures he brought me are bounteous . . . we will always smile when we think of that twinkle in his eye. He will always walk amongst us . . . hopefully the sun will shine on you and you will find that uplifting of wonderful memories only you have shared with such a great human being and one day you too will begin to smile and laugh as Gustavo walks with you . . .
. . . Mariana and Natalia . . .  if a person's life is judged by such a profusion of wonderful tributes, then Gustavo clearly has left an indelible impression on all who knew him . . .  like so many others, we have much to thank Gustavo for . . . his genuine kindness, generosity, wit, fun and laughter . . . meant we always had an amazing, crazy and wonderful time with him!
. . . I know just how excited he was that his whole family would finally be together in Mexico. We hope that in some small way, traumatic though it must have been, you were  with your father at the very end . . . he was overjoyed to be seeing you and I know just how important you both were to him and how excited  he was to be having all  his grandchildren  with him in Mexico.

. . . that Gustavo was such a wonderful loving husband, father, colleague and friend makes his  loss all the harder, but I trust gradually in time you can come to smile and laugh whenever you think of him . . .
. . . it is a life well lived when so many people from all generations and all over the world remember Gustavo with such great warmth and affection.
Maggie, I know that with your own great enthusiasm for life and learning and travel and with your family by your side you will be able to carry on and prosper, even though the loss must feel immeasurable at the moment.
I am going to go for a walk up to the moors around Bradford today and I will pick some heather and take some time to reflect and be thankful that a lifelong love story that started there many years ago, means that I gained a great friend in Mariana and some of the most wonderful memories of a really special man and family.
Mariana, your lovely dad. It is a life well lived when all the people you have crossed paths with in life remember you with such warmth and affection. All of us in Rome had such a great fondness for him and he left an impression on even the ones amongst us who were only around him a couple of years and probably only met him on a handful of occasions. Always so vibrant and full of enthusiasm. I can't imagine the sense of loss you are all feeling but keep remembering all the great times
 . . . we always seemed to laugh and be happy in his company and we will not forget all the good times we spent with him and  you. He was a lovely friend . . .
. . . Tavo para la FAO y sus colegas fue un hombre solar de grande inteligencia y sensibilidad. Lo recordaré con su gran sonrisa y gentileza, contenta de haberlo conocido. 
Adriana H.
. . .  Tavo had such a marvelous life, so full of energy, love and giving.
I miss you, Primo . . .
Cousin Paul
. . . So many wonderful memories of Tavo always living life with gusto!
. . . I remember your dad as was always such a fun, easy going happy man… that clearly loved his family
. . . although I haven’t seen Gustavo in a very long time he had had a massive impact on me. I have fond memories of us going for walks round Rome late at night with Toño Feeling very cosmopolitan! or surreal memories walking across the roof tops in Spoleto holding hands with Italian fireman late at night because we got locked into your apartment.
. . . I know I’m a better man for knowing Gustavo for the time that I did and I was honoured to know him . . .
Alex C
I first met Gustavo at the Best-Stallman wedding. On the dancefloor he was equally in his element rocking wildly to the Strokes 'Last Nite' as he was slow dancing with Maggie. I love the picture of them together that hangs in Nati & Al's house.

I joined them all for Christmas and New Year in Spoleto one year. I was touched by how enamoured he was with Sophie, especially how she pushed this plastic chair around. He was genuinely thrilled! He made me feel really welcome and we did several circuits of the town that week, usually in pursuit of a dinner ingredient and an espresso.

A few years later we all had Christmas together again in Edinburgh, another lovely time with all the family and where this photo is from.

. . . Gustavo was a wonderful and amazing person who impacted so many lives including ours in such a positive and profound way . . .
Rob and Sue
Tuve el gusto de conocer a Gustavo especialmente en la Red Mexicana de Bioenergía, a la cual apoyó fuertemente en los primeros años de vida de la Red. En esta área dejó muchos legados, uno de ellos muy importante fue el acompañarnos como coautor de lo que fue el primer Libro Blanco de la Bioenergía en Mexico que marcó la necesidad de una ley de bioenergéticos en Mexico . . .
Jorge I
Es una gran perdida la partida de Gustavo. No solo porque fue un académico y gestor excelente, de relevancia nacional e internacional, sino una persona noble y generosa . . .
Gustavo Best fue el primer Jefe del Departamento de Energía Solar del Instituto de Investigación en Materiales de la UNAM, precursor de lo que actualmente somos . . . creo que Gustavo se merece que la institución le haga un homenaje por sus contribuciones a la misma, empezando con un minuto de silencio en nuestra próxima sesión de Planeación . . .
Claudio E
Lamento saber de esta noticia que es una gran pérdida para nuestra comunidad  . . .  siempre consideré a Gustavo como el precursor de lo que ahora es el IER-UNAM ya que tuvo la visión de integrar al Depto de Energía Solar del IIM, nuestra raíz. 
Aaron S.
. . .  I have always thought so fondly of your dad, he was so generous, warm, funny and engaging with us teenagers in Rome, and I will never forget the evenings I spent with your dad and your extended family in Richmond; he was a special sort of person. I am so glad he had you all with him in Mexico these last weeks, he will have drawn tremendous strength and love from being surrounded by you all. In all the photos you have posted, he has looked very happy and contented in the company of his family.
. . . your dad has a special place in my heart and memories. Being in Rome now and driving down the Castel Porziano have in the last few days often thought about the good times at your house. How your dad and mum were so much fun and good to us. The drives in the cabriolette around Rome. Ci a regalato giorni indimenticabili tuo padre. Such a priviledge to have been part of his life.
. . . like everyone of us, I have a soft spot for both your parents who were always so kind and welcoming to us. Gustavo was such a warm soul . . . Clare
Para aquellos que no tuvieron el gran gusto de conocer a Gustavo Best, les envío la liga a una entrevista que le hicieron cuando era Coordinador Superior de Energía de la FAO 
Gustavo fue un gran amigo y una gran persona. Será muy extrañado por todos.

Julia T.
. . .  I have tears as I write this 😓 he was the warmest soul you could ever meet. I feel privileged that he was someone I knew, and was a part of those amazing days in Rome.
. . . Mariana, tengo tantos recuerdos tan bellos de tu papá, de todos ustedes. Generosidad y alegría, es lo primero que me sale. Me siento muy agradecida por muchas cosas con él, con tu mamá y sobre todo contigo por compartirlos conmigo.
Bye Bye Gustavo, what a wonderful man. Such a great soul, with such a wonderful approach on life . He was such fun and sooo dedicated to your Mum and to his children and I am sure he was an ideal Grandad. I feel lucky to have met him and he will never be forgotten.  Maria you were so lucky to have such an incredible Father . We have come to realise that men like Gustavo are very rare . . .
Mariana . . . I know your family is very close and the devastation must be immense . . . Gustavo was a  great man and you were so lucky to have a father who was so special . . . I still remember how kind your parents were to me, and everyone else. I remember that they took us bowling one time and your Dad got a strike. Your Mum said something praising him, and he said " You inspire me". I think about that now as a person who been married for 22 years and it still blows my mind how loving they are . . .

. . . I think - altho it’s not a comfort - that Tavo had an amazing life that few ever find, he was lucky in love and in family and friends and every other gift that life has to offer and I know that having lived well must count for a lot even during this sad time of goodbye...
. . . I have such fond memories of Gustavo - always laughing and fantastic company. When I went to Italy, I met your parents for lunch and then stayed with them too in their flat. They were both so hospitable and he really did bring a smile to my face every time I saw him. Great laugh and a loving Dad to you both . . .
Laura C
. . . I am so shocked and saddened to read about your lovely Dad . . . he was a lovely lovely man, so warm, fun and welcoming to us all as a family . . .
Sophie C
. . . your dad was such a vibrant, fun and loving guy.
Victoria L
. . . your Dad looks so happy and full of life in the photo
. . . the loss of your wonderful, wonderful Dad and Granddad . . . I told mum and dad this morning and we reminisced about a trip to Southbank with your parents and a very little Gus and Sophie some years ago. We all remember your Dad well and we were reminded what a jovial, warm, smart and friendly man he was . . .
. . . your dad was amazing. I have such fond memories . . .
. . . your Dad was such a lovely man, I know I hadn't met him many times but every time I had he was alway so warm and welcoming to me . . .
. . . tengo muy buenos recuerdos de la buena persona que era tu padre, siempre alegre y alguien que animaba muchísimo el momento. He will definitely be missed!
Carlos Enrique
. . .  your dad was such a special man and person when we were growing up with that big wide eyed smile and will never be forgotten . . .
...I remember your Dad well – such a kind and good man
. . . Natalia tu papi para mi era como de mi familia, siempre tan alegre y servicial. En verdad me duele mucho su perdida, el siempre va estar con nosotros . . .
Hugo G
. . . . I’m so so so sorry for your loss. I adored Gustavo - his kindness, playfulness, gentle nature. These words fall short . . .
. . .  Gustavo fue una persona única que contigo hicieron un magnífico entorno de luz que nos dejaba siempre con ganas de más . ..
. . . quiero decirles cuanto siento lo de su papa. Yo lo estimaba muchísimo y tengo maravillosos recuerdos de el . . .
. . . sólo te puedo decir que damos gracias a Dios por haber tenido la dicha de tener a Tavo como un gran amigo que siempre nos dio cariño, alegrías y momentos inolvidables que vivimos con ustedes sobre todo el amor incondicional que le tenía a mi padre gracias por formar parte de nuestra familia. . .
. . . Tavo was such a good person, and it meant so much to our dad when you two would visit him in Denver! I have many pictures of Dad and Tavo together at birthdays and other visits. Dad was as proud of Tavo as if he had been his own son! Kara also wanted to send her condolences since she always enjoyed Tavo's visits. She could tell he was a special soul . . .
Cousin Midge
. . . Tavo was one of the most amazing men I have ever met. Something so special about him. We must remember and celebrate the wonderful life Tavo led . . .

Cousin Barbara
Ho saputo la triste notizia della morte del mio carissimo amico Gustavo .
La notizia mi ha sconvolto e mi ha procurato un profondo dolore.
Cosa posso dirti cara Maggie? Ci vuole tanto coraggio di fronte a questi terribili eventi. Ci consola il ricordo di un uomo veramente eccezionale e insostituibile.
Abbraccio forte forte te e, con il cuore, anche Gustavo.
Paolino N
. . . I keep thinking about all the three of us. I keep recalling all those wonderful moments we shared together . . . I can see Tavo preparing his wonderful paella for us while we drive to Saccovescio or go to Perugia, Arezzo, Spello or Bevagna so that you and I could have time just for ourselves. I can see him when we pick him at the train station in Budapest when he arrived from Vienna on his sentimental journey . . . I could not resist smiling recalling his story which he was telling us when he first came to Budapest to visit his then girlfriend and went to the wrong address. Yes, because even in this sad moment I keep thinking that if someone asked me what comes to my mind when thinking of Gustavo (or to describe him in one word), it would be JOY, or more precisely the JOY of LIFE (la gioia di vivere). And he shared this joy with everyone around. 
. . . .The image of you two dancing this Mexican dance one night in Spoleto (Tavo tried to teach me but I was not even near to your perfection, maybe it was the influence of the high dosage of prosecco and vino bianco at this stage of the evening or simply I was not good enough for such a perfect dancer) will always remain with me, since for me you will always be 'La piu bella coppia del mondo' . . .
. . .  Quanto mi dispiace,  non  puoi immaginare quanto affetto e quanta stima ho, abbiamo nei vostri confronti. È  un grande dispiacere pensare di non  poterlo incontrare più,  con la sua gentilezza e la sua cortesia. Una bellissima persona che starà  sempre nel nostro cuore . . .
. . . I read and read your message in disbelief. I am deeply saddened and indeed, nothing in life in guaranteed. I will always fondly remember Gustavo the devoted colleague and great friend. His love for you, Natalia and Mariana was inspirational and touching.
. . .  Lo que ha pasado por mi mente, son los bellos e inolvidables recuerdos que tengo con Ustedes desde muy temprana edad. Me acuerdo que era toda una aventura irlos a visitar a su cabañita y luego a Tlalpuente, la vez que nos dejaron plantados y los esperamos todo el día  en casa, la caída de Mariana del  pasillo al comedor de nuestra casa en Vista del Valle porque pensó que los patines de ruedas tenían frenos , las tarjetas navideñas que nos mandabas todos los años con fotografías de Roma, los meses que me quedé con Ustedes, la comida, las salidas, pero sobre todo sentirme en casa, en familia y además ¡con Toño!
Me quedo con todo el cariño de Gustavo, su sonrisa, sus abrazos, su luz, sus pláticas, su buen corazón, su calidez y con todo el amor que siempre hemos recibido de todos Ustedes.
Con él se me fue también un pedacito de mi papá, porque Gustavo me platicaba y me recordaba pasajes de la vida que vivieron y compartieron cuando anduvieron en Europa.
Hoy agradezco todavía mas el tiempo que pudimos compartir y disfrutar y aunque la mayor parte del tiempo hemos vivido lejos, siempre los he sentido muy cerca. Imaginaré que se fue de  viaje y en algún punto nos reuniremos de nuevo.
. . . Un gran amigo y un excelente ser humano se va de nuestro lado. Recordemosle como lo conocimos, alegre, vivaracho, sonriente y cariñoso
Alex R
. . .  I have such happy memories of Gustavo and he really was a great 'boss' to work for, such a cheerful person and it really was a pleasure for me to be with him those last years he was in the office.
. . .  Como a todos, me la noticia me sorprendió y me entristeció enormemente. Tengo grandes recuerdos de Gustavo: . . . siempre generoso y con esa sorprendente capacidad para la amistad en tantos lugares.  . . . A él, igual que a todos ustedes, le debo haber ampliado mi perspectiva del mundo. También tengo presente la forma en que veía a México desde la distancia, con un cariño y una generosidad que a mi, y supongo que a muchos otros, resultaba aleccionadora y esperanzadora . . . su partida deja un hueco enorme en todos los que lo conocimos y que tuvimos el privilegio de gozar de su amistad. . .
. .  . A Gustavo lo único que puedo decirle es gracias y que espero que donde quiera que se encuentre, siga brillando con la misma intensidad que lo hizo en esta tierra . . .
Las noticias en las redes de FAO vuelan como el viento y así­ me he enterado del triste fallecimiento de nuestro queridísimo Gustavo . . . Ahora ya no se lo puedo decir a Gustavo, pero a ti­ si que te lo diré: no se imaginan cuanto les quiero. Fue tan lindo desarrollar nuestra amistad en Italia, nuestros encuentros en Spoleto, nuestro rodar en bicicleta por las calles de Roma, nuestros pocos pero muy profundos encuentros en un restaurante preferido de Gustavo, que si no me equivoco quedaba en la calle Panisperna o por ahí­. En fin, recuerdos inolvidables. Y para que hablar de la posible visita a Zihua que quedó pendiente.
Gustavo fue, sin duda, el principal punto de referencia entre los latinos americanos de la FAO en los anos que allí­ compartimos. Su calidez humana, su simpatía, su tremendo espíritu de servicio estuvo siempre presente. Hoy me siento muy cerca de Gustavo y le abrazo al infinito . . .
"What a loss! Gustavo was such a fine person and a real leader giving orientation in the sustainable biomass domain for many years, guiding me and colleagues in this area. I enjoyed collaborating with him, as well as sharing quite a bit of beer in our meetings in Rome, and other places. He will be remembered, and his work will be continued."

Uwe R. Fritsche
"Gustavo, una persona generosa, amable, alegre que sabía escuchar, adoraba a su linda familia y sabía tratar a todos con una sencillez y respeto que pocas veces se ve hoy en día. Recuerdo siempre como me introdujo en su grupo de latinos cuando lo conocí en el edificio “F” de la FAO en el 1992. Mi grandioso testigo de matrimonio en 1997. Las personas como Gustavo no se olvidan nunca, se quedan en nuestras memorias como un lindo recuerdo y nos enriquecen cada vez que los recordamos. Maggie, Natalia y Mariana fueron bendecidas teniendo un esposo y papá como Gustavo y lo lindo es que todas ustedes son especiales también no podía ser diferente con un ejemplo como el suyo. Un abrazo hasta donde esté nuestro querido Gustavo."
Julia y Maurizio

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